She was a banker doing great for herself and unjustly faced a conviction. She went to jail for the crime she did not commit. Ever imagine how that life would be like and for a moment think how it would impact yours. And in a day and age where most Money crimes are settled outside of the courts with money.
This is the story of Teresa Njoroge. Now, she is free and all her charges have been dropped. She made this happen for herself on her own. She is out of the jail now and doing some great work. Can you guess what?
While in jail, she met other women and girls who were victims of the same kind. That is, they did not have the money or the means to contest the charges levied on them. So they accepted the sentence handed out to them.
These women, she met in the jail, lacked the understanding of the law and how the justice system worked. They were overwhelmed by the attorneys, the thought of going to the court, facing the judge for the first time in their life and all that goes along with it. They were all caught in the vicious circle of poverty, poor education, unequal opportunities, corruption and a broken system of government.
Beginning of Clean Start
After successfully contesting her own case and getting absolved of all the charges and convictions, she had a purpose in her life. Yes, you guessed it right. It is to help all these other ladies who, are falsely convicted for petty crimes, lack the ability or the know-how to contest the charges and the allegations, are overwhelmed by the complicated justice system and, perhaps like you and me, dread going to the courts in handcuffs, surrounded by mono-expression security officials. She formed the start-up Clean Start to give such people a second chance. She visits prisoners in jails, provides them training, give them the skills and support to change their mindsets and help their transition back into society smoothly.
That’s when you feel you met an angel who you had the good fortune to hear in person and see with your own eyes. How else do you think God manifests ?Himself. She could have walked away and done her thing. But her life was touched and her peace was uprooted. It was her love for women, who were victims of circumstances more than the crime they were charged for, made her do what she does today.
Wouldn’t it be great for other women to collaborate with her and start such a help group in their own cities and communities? Wouldn’t it be awesome to socialize this know-how? I feel it would be wonderful to spread the knowledge and learning she has gained so it helps many more people in those circumstances. That’s the dream I wish I can help with. Please help spread this message across.